7 Proven Strategies to Generate More Leads Through Email Marketing

by | Mar 15, 2023 | Email Marketing | 0 comments

Every day the number of emails sent increases, and new ways to reach customers are invented. However, lead generation email marketing need not be complicated. Here are 7 relatively simple, and proven strategies that will help your company to stand out from the crowd, and reach new customers at the same time.

1. Personalize the Experience

This is trite but true, birthday emails do work, and as you have the DOB date of birth in your database, use it. Send a brief birthday greeting as everyone loves to have their birthday acknowledged. Follow it up with a Season’s Greetings at Christmas, so all the clients know you are thinking of them.

2. Emails Should be Short

It was such a relief when emails were invented, as we didn’t have to phone the same person constantly. Instead, we could send a brief message to remind them of their appointment, or to let them know about a new product line.

Everyone is so busy now that no one reads anything from beginning to end. Keep relevant information in the subject line. Add a sense of urgency like ‘while supplies last’.

3. People Like Free Handouts

T-shirts and Hats are popular as well as templates and anything they can use relating to their business. If you decide to send out an annual calendar keep the content nonpornographic! No girly calendars or nudes as this will contravene the Marketing Act and offend people. There is always going to be someone who takes offense easily.

4. Use Demographic Data

Use small area Census data to enable you to speak directly to your clients in a given area. Lead generation email marketing works best when it is targeted in this way to small groups, inviting them to contact you for a quote.

5. Check the Archives

After a few years have elapsed, check your archives to reactivate old clients. If your company painted their house in 2015, it is probably going to need painting again, send an email offering them a quote for the work.

6. Add New and Innovative Services

We all must remain agile to survive in business, so come up with some special offers and mail them out. If you are a house painting service, you may want to add a gutter cleaning service, as the paintwork is often ruined by blocked gutters allowing the rain to ruin the paint when overflow occurs. With every business, there are other services that are a good fit, send out a needs survey to your clients to find out what they require.

7. Email an Evaluation

Invent a short evaluation form, four questions are usually enough, and the last question should be ‘how can we improve our service’? This gives the client some say, and they will have suggestions, some of which may even be helpful.


Lead generation email marketing can be as simple as word of mouth. Your client speaks glowingly of your amazing customer service to their neighbor, and the neighbor calls or emails you requesting a quote. Keeping in touch is very easy via email marketing, and the client base continues to grow.

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